Coaching Program
Have you ever felt like you're too stressed, stuck, or lacking the consistency and clarity of purpose to achieve your goals? Have you noticed that your mind or emotions are uncontrollable? If so, then you are in the right place!
I am a Spiritual Life Coach and I teach you how to overcome your challenges and obstacles and turn them into your power. I focus on holistic health and spiritual wellbeing, transforming from the inside out. Stress, overwhelm, dis-ease and lack of purpose and discipline can show up in many different ways and hold you back from taking the necessary steps forward to heal and create soulful, aligned success. While it may feel like you have no control, I'm here to tell you that you do! You can manifest your dream life!
Creating your new you and life doesn't have to be hard! It just requires awareness, a plan and action — and it's my job to to help you take your life into your hands and apply the changes needed to unlock new levels of success in all areas of your life. Abundance is waiting for you!

Success Stories!

A couple of months ago I found myself stuck. Stuck in every area of my life and not sure how to move forward. I have a LOT of tools at my disposal, and even coach others on their journeys, but sometimes you need accountability and someone to guide you. I had been working with Ceseli one on one and when she launched her coaching program, I jumped at the opportunity, feeling total alignment. In just 2 months, I have made some major shifts. From moving to a new place, taking my power and time back from toxic relationships and environments, taking better care of my body and getting clear on the direction I want my career to take. I feel like a new person - I honestly don’t even recognize myself sometimes! I’m so grateful for the time I’ve spent with Ceseli. She has held me accountable, helped me identify areas I needed to focus on and has been my biggest cheerleader. I would not be where I am today without her. So much gratitude.